Enter the world of pure fantasy upon climbing the spiral staircase of Nikki's Treehouse. Perched high above terra firma, it's 134 steps of shear terror for the faint of heart... don't look down!
5,000 toothpicks and countless hours of creative labor brought this piece to fruition. The treacherous center foundation is a combination of scraps from past works and hundreds of toothpicks in their natural form, giving it a junkyard feel. Adorned with shaker style shingles, multiple balconies and an overall feeling of whimsy, Nikki's Treehouse truly stretches the imagination.
Named after a beloved family pet beagle of 17 years, Abby Gail Tower went from concept and design to construction and completion in a matter of four months.
This grand sculpture was built using over 10,000 toothpicks with the base alone consisting of more than 2,500. Once passing through the welcoming portico, each of the six unique levels feature their own set of matching windows creating an architectural symmetry. While level five stands out as a focal point, the real showstopper is the graceful spire standing tall and proud for all to see.